
Investment Opportunity In Pittston? (Above Average ROI)

A Fresh One On The Market.


Curious about investing in real estate? Consider this promising investment opportunity located in Pittston, Pennsylvania. This is your average duplex property that is in relatively good condition, providing a great chance for investors to earn a steady flow of passive income.

Like all other properties in this area, it’s older, however, Pittston is an ideal location for those looking for an investment property in a community that is close knit and thriving. The area has it’s own rich history. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the investment opportunity and why you should consider investing in this duplex property.


See the Official Listing Here

What I like about it:

Pittston is a cool city and it’s easy for me to get and keep tenants. Parades happen there, farmer’s markets, events, all types of things happen on the main road of Pittston. Neighborhood is no issue.

Price is also no issue. At 100k, the numbers look pretty promising. If repairs remain modest over time, the investment opportunity is a no brainer. One initial issue is the utilities. As of now, only the electric is separated into two separate meters.

The water and gas are currently shared and taken care of by the owner. Getting that remedied would be ideal, so I included that in the up front costs. As always, I run my estimates assuming financing with 20% down. Everyone’s situation is different.


See the PDF version of the full spreadsheet here.

Total taxes for the year are $1951.02.

I included some rehab to account for splitting up those utilities and doing some cosmetic upgrades (if needed).

Parking tends to be an issue in Pittston but this place is listed as having off street parking. That in itself is also a huge plus.

What I Don’t Like:

I wish the utilities were already split up. Obviously that’s a headache that will need to be addressed. If you don’t mind including it as a monthly expense, you can shave off the rehab cost and include it in your monthly expenses. The numbers should still be pretty good. You can always address it later when the timing is better.

Although one of the units is a three bedroom, the other unit is only a one bedroom and appears to be pretty small (552sqft). It can still rent if it’s updated, but it’s definitely not ideal.


It seems pretty hard to lose money on this one in the long run. Especially if you were to somehow get it cheaper than the original listing price. The rents will average out well about $1500. However, it’s likely that it won’t be the best performing property in your portfolio either. Nonetheless, a good deal isn’t as good as a great deal, but it’s better than no deal at all.

Want to know what the owner disclosed? See the Seller’s Disclosure here.

Need to see the listing sheet? Here you go.

Want to see this property in person or get info on any others?

Get in contact.



Brave Enough To Take On This Condemned Building In Scranton?

Sometimes big risk brings big reward. It’s tough to always predict the outcome. I had an opportunity to check out a large four unit building in Scranton and I couldn’t believe how big it was. It’s got a bit of a history though.

Say Hello To 121 Ferdinand Street, Scranton.

She sure isn’t what she used to be.

We were asked to investigate this place with the hopes that the repairs would be under 100k, making this a fantastic opportunity for the investor who inquired.

It’s currently listed as a four unit property. It’s massive, measuring over 5700+ square feet and it’s listed at a current purchase price of $129,000, as of the date of writing this article. The units are big and would fetch a decent amount in rent.

If you can’t tell from the picture, there’s a yellow sign on the front door that says “Condemned”. That’s right, the city of Scranton officially declared it unlivable and it hasn’t been inhabited in quite some time. It’s currently owned by the bank.

When I was asked to look into the records as to why it was condemned, this is what I found.

When asked to investigate, I coordinated with a group of handymen that we have worked with many times in the past.

We started by going into the basement and looking for the big red flags. We were surprised to find that it was relatively clean and dry, however, it was a literal maze. It seemed way too easy to get lost in there.



We did eventually find five electric panels in relatively good shape. Not sure why there was five but we suspected there might have been an additional unit. The bad news, most of the copper pipes had been removed and the whole house likely needs new plumbing. It’s unconfirmed what happened to the pipes.


We eventually found our way out and investigated the upstairs. It turned out to be cleaner than we expected. Again, the place is enormous and felt too easy to get lost in.

Is it worth it?

It’s currently listed for 130k. In my opinion, It’s got a lot of unknowns and I’d probably want to try and get all the repairs and costs below 250k total. The condemning status seems easy to remove by adding water to the units after renovations.

The place was clean inside and I don’t foresee any issues with making it habitable again. It’s just a matter of how much the rehab will total out to be.

I don’t expect it to be easy regardless. It’s a big project that will likely takes months to complete.

Here is a link to the listing if you want the details. 

Want the MLS sheet? Here you go.

If you think it’s something you’d like to tackle, feel free to reach out for more information.


Additional Pictures and Video From The Day We Entered:


Commercial Location in Taylor, PA. Interesting opportunity.

It’s Got History.

I grew up in Taylor and occasionally ate pizza down the road at a place called Marsico’s Restaurant. That was many years ago, and the place has changed hands a few times since then. Ten years later, it’s now for sale and my curious mind couldn’t help but want to see what the inside looked like.

Admittingly, I don’t have much experience in the commercial real estate space. I’m a business/stock nerd, but unfortunately just haven’t had the opportunity to sell many commercial locations. Interestingly enough, I live down the street from this listing, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to check it out.

At the time of this writing, this is a listing by Bluestone Realty Group, and the listing agent (Margaret Farley) was kind enough to grant me access to take a look at this unique place. It was a tax shop most recently, and the new owners appeared to have moved on to another location.

Two Separate Offices.

These are some pictures I took when I first entered the building. What’s interesting in that there are multiple tanning beds scattered through the building. The place was once a tanning salon, as well as a tax shop I suppose. According to the MLS, the tanning salons do not come with the sale of the place but can be negotiated.


Three Separate Meters?

I was a bit confused because I saw three meters when I initially surveyed the place. I was hoping to find an additional unit tucked away somewhere. I found a door on the side of the building but it only led to storage. It’s seen in the video that I’ll include below. I later found out it was servicing a garage out back.

More Property Than What Meets The Eye.

It’s worth mentioning that the house next door is also owned by the same owner of the commercial location and he is open to including it as a package deal. I believe there’s some property in the back as well. Between the offices, storage space, single family residence, and possible acreage behind it all, it could be a nice addition to a portfolio.

I give you a tour of the offices below, as well as the official listing and floor plans. As always, reach out if you have any additional questions. I’ll include some helpful info below as well.

Check out the official listing here.

Floor Plans Here.


Video from my visit here:


Top 3 Reasons Your Offer Didn’t Get Accepted.

Title: Top 3 Reasons Your Offer Did Not Get Accepted

Making an offer on a property can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience for prospective buyers. However, it can be disheartening when your offer is rejected, leaving you wondering why it wasn’t accepted. In this article, we will explore the top three reasons why your offer may not have been accepted. Understanding these factors will help you navigate the real estate market more effectively and increase your chances of securing your dream home.

The certainty of the deal making it to the closing table is just as important, if not MORE important, than the price you are willing to pay for the home.

This seems to be overlooked for new homebuyers making offers for the first time. They think price matters more than anything. However, it doesn’t matter what you claim to be willing to pay for a house if you can’t prove that you can come up with the money when the time comes. Contingencies can also be scary. Contingencies create more potential situations that can force a deal to not close and a seller to waste 30 days or more of their time.

Let’s start with the obvious.

Reason 1: Inadequate Offer Price

One of the most common reasons for an offer rejection is an inadequate offer price. Sellers naturally want to get the best possible price for their property, and if your offer falls significantly below their expectations, they may reject it outright. To avoid this, for gods sake don’t make the rookie mistake of asking your agent “let’s just bounce a lowball offer off of them and see what happens” while sitting in the middle of a competitive seller’s market.

I’ll tell you what happens if you can handle the spoiler alert. Your offer gets rejected, another offer gets picked, and you don’t get an opportunity to counter higher. You’re out. People don’t appreciate their time wasted and will likely gravitate towards offers that feel more respectful of their time and energy. In a buyer’s market you can get away with disrespectful offers but you need to know when you are and when you aren’t in a buyer’s market.

Reason 2: Financing and Contingencies

The certainty of the deal making it to the closing table!

Another factor that can lead to offer rejection is related to financing and contingencies. Sellers often prefer buyers who present solid financing options and have minimal contingencies. If your offer is contingent upon the sale of your current home or if your financing is uncertain, it may make the seller hesitant to accept your offer. Examples of uncertain financing are lenders with little to no reputation or offers being submitted without pre-approval letters.

Yes, your choice of lender matters more than you think and I don’t just mean interest rates. If you pick a lender with a very solid reputation in the real estate community, your offer will have a greater likelihood of being accepted. Why is this you ask? Because you’ve raised the certainty of the deal making it to the closing table.

Reason 3: Poorly Executed Offer/Rookie Mistakes

Believe it or not, this gets overlooked yet it’s so easy to prevent. If you submit an offer with multiple omissions, misspellings, or without any additional proof of funds or pre-approval letter, it will make your offer far less compelling. You need your offer to look professional. Why you ask? Because it raises the certainty of the deal making it to the closing table. Have I gotten that point across yet?

Long story short, make sure to take the extra time to review your offer for mistakes. Correct all your spelling and don’t miss any tax id numbers if the real estate comes with additional parcels. Submit all additional paperwork in the same email and make it easy to find things. These little things also establish some personal connection, and honestly it can really go a long way in improving your chances of acceptance.


While having your offer rejected can be disappointing, understanding the reasons behind it can help you navigate the real estate market more effectively in the future. Inadequate offer price, financing and contingencies, and the lack of a professional looking offer are three common factors that can lead to offer rejection. By researching the market, ensuring strong financing options, and establishing some authority, you can increase the likelihood of having your offer accepted. Stay persistent and keep searching for the right opportunity, and soon enough, you’ll find the perfect home or investment opportunity.


The Untold Secrets For Finding Reliable Tenants

One of my favorite topics of all time.

It seems like most people understand the importance of screening tenants these days. It’s not really up for discussion anymore. I’ve seen lots of different criterias that owners follow but they are all pretty similar and we’ve seen them in plenty of listing descriptions. Two pay stubs showing at least 2.5x the rent, credit and background check, no evictions etc. This is beginner stuff to most of us now.

However, I’d like to talk about four other topics regarding finding and keeping good tenants that I don’t see get brought up as often. If anything, they are worthy of consideration and make great food for thought. Bring them up at your next landlord mastermind or meeting. 

How much you charge matters more than you think it does.

It’s really cool how the free market speaks to you, but only if you listen. It has a mind of its own and makes its own rules. We can only follow them. Price is a funny thing in the rental market.

What probably won’t surprise you is that neighborhoods all across the United States have average rent prices. Lackawanna/Luzerne County is no different, rent prices fall into a range of averages depending on location, bedrooms, style, etc. You have a lower range, and you have an upper range.

What did surprise me though, is what happens when you charge prices past the upper range for properties that were clearly, upon 5 minutes of average zillow comparisons, not worth it in the slightest. You would expect inquiries to just drop off, but what I’ve found is that we start getting inquiries from a new demographic of people.

We noticed we were now marketing to a new group of people that didn’t seem to care so much about price to value discrepancy. They clearly didn’t care that the place was overpriced, and didn’t seem to even acknowledge it or question it. The inquiries were flowing in but the average application quality dropped dramatically. 

I wonder why that would be? Let’s say, I’m a prospecting renter with a criminal background and I know I have a low chance of getting an affordable apartment in a good neighborhood. I’ve probably been turned down a few times already. Where would I start looking next then?

I might start applying to places that would appear to have lower competition, out of desperation. Perhaps, I would ignore the price altogether and just be happy to be accepted. Do you see how that could influence the average application quality?

I noticed that if I charged higher than average for sub par properties, I got more applications from people that were desperate (desperate for bad reasons), and more willing to forgo price for a place to sleep. Usually, that would turn out to be bad later on because the rent payments would eventually be too much for them to afford anyway. 

The moral of the story is this. It’s so simple and yet so complicated. Just because you can technically charge whatever you want for your rental, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t factor in the powers of the market.

If you want to narrow down your marketing efforts to target good, financially intelligent tenants, you need to learn what financially intelligent tenants want. They want a fair deal. If they are smart financially, which would be a win for you as the landlord, they would understand what a fair deal looks like and will avoid places that appear to be an unfair deal. Therefore, you should understand what a fair deal looks like and accept it. 

To Judge a Person, Or To Not Judge A Person.

Oh, this is a juicy one and it usually pisses someone off so prepare yourself. I’m sorry in advance if this gets deep. The reason for the controversy is that most of us, for some strange reason, assume we are good people, readers. That statement can’t be overstated. 

You, the reader of this article, probably think you can read a person pretty well right? If you took a sample of the population and polled them, nearly all of them would state that they are good at reading people. Just like you. 

Take the same sample group and ask them if they are good at math and you’ll get results that skew in the complete other direction. Why? To the average person, there’s no downside to admitting you’re bad at math. 

On the other hand, accepting the idea of being bad at judging people, feels like a defeat. To admit to not being good at reading someone is like willingly calling yourself naive, and most of us don’t want to accept that kind of truth. 

The point is, we may tend to assume what we are good at with very little evidence to back it up. With an ability that’s tied deeply to our feelings of self worth, it is even harder to admit or to be aware that we are bad at it (sex is another good one…).

There are fantastic books on this subject. There are all sorts of situations you wouldn’t expect that could increase your likelihood of getting a bad vibe from someone. These situations range from being as ridiculous as just being a rainy day outside to as complex as subtle facial features in a person invoking old memories stored away in your subconscious. 

Long story short, most of us are born being naturally bad at reading others, and instead we evolved to make quick judgments in order to survive. Most of us confuse reading people with judging people. Judging someone is more like a snapshot whereas reading someone is an ongoing process where you, the people reader, are aware of your faulty software and frequently question it. You can’t trust your gut to be right about a person when the software in our heads we use to read people is riddled with bugs. 

Therefore, I am of the opinion that judging someone to get a feel for their likelihood of being a good tenant is a bad idea. Instead, I would much rather focus on the data they provide me and try to decrease the chances of my biases getting in the way. 

I pick tenants the same way I pick stocks, devoid of all emotion and purely on the data. Call me cold. If they have 7 years of rent receipts showing on-time payments for the same rent amount, why the hell do I even need to meet that person? Most people don’t change their patterns, and I’d be stupid to bet against this person making a change in behavior that drastic.  

Judging a person creates another opportunity to be wrong and should only be relied upon when no data is available. If I have no rent receipts or rental reference, all I can do is rely on my people’s radar. However, it’s a last resort, not a first option due to its inaccuracies.

To conclude, in my opinion, the people that read people best, are those that are aware of our inability to do it accurately and can adjust for the bugs. However, most of us don’t even know that our software is full of bugs, and that’s a recipe for disaster when using it to pick tenants. 

Use the data instead for more reliable outcomes. The tendency to be wrong will always be lower when using past data versus your feelings. 

Location, Location, Location. You can’t overlook the neighborhood.

Just because the ROI is higher in an adjacent neighborhood doesn’t mean you should ignore why that might be. Sounds obvious right? 

In a perfect world I find a pretty linear relationship, the higher the ROI the higher the proposed risk. 

I think this is such an important relationship to consider. We see it everywhere and should take notice, no? Stock index funds tend to be a slow way to build wealth but the risk is low, so money managers recommend it to newer investors. Startup tech companies are incredibly risky to invest in but the potential return could be absolutely life changing. Treasury bonds are about as safe as it gets and yield some of the lowest returns. The pattern we see is that the higher the ROI, the higher the risk, and vice versa.

So when we see higher ROI’s in neighborhoods that seem a little too good to be true, it’s likely because the risk is higher. How does this risk translate into tenants? I find that when I market a property in a rougher neighborhood, the average applicant quality is just so much lower, and the likelihood of finding reliable tenants decreases dramatically. 

It’s obvious when we think about it. Good people want to be around other good people, and rough neighborhoods develop reputations for being places where bad people congregate. Therefore, you would expect lower quality applications. 

In my opinion, I would rather take a lower return for less headache. Don’t get caught up in maximizing ROI and instead maximize your freedom. More freedom equals more time to create new revenue. Take a step back in order to take more steps forward. 

You’re in the customer service field whether you like it or not.

Did you know that companies create entire departments dedicated to customer success? They hire support teams dedicated solely to making sure customers have dedicated one on one support, as well as onboarding specialists to make the buying process feel seamless.

Sounds expensive? It is, and it contributes quite a bit to a company’s overhead, but if they don’t have it, they’ll never outcompete those that do. Why? Because at some point, customer retention becomes just as important, if not more important, than acquiring new customers. Creating a product that is desirable and difficult to break away from is the secret to millions (Hello Apple Products). 

What does this have to do with finding and keeping tenants? Whether you know it or not, you are running a business, and you are selling a product. That product is living space, and those tenants are your customers. They receive your product and pay you money for it. What many of us do is forget that tenants are customers and without ensuring their success, you’ll have a harder time keeping them, just like any other company with customers. 

You would be surprised at how much easier it gets to manage tenants when you treat them like customers. You could do this in the easiest of ways. Offer a promotion for a free home clean for consistent on-time payments. Leave a small gift behind when tenants move in, and a personalized note. You get the idea. Small things matter and contribute to better relationships. The best companies understand this (Chick Fillet anyone?).

The art of tenant finding is a mysterious one and I’m sure I’ll learn more as time goes on. It’s far from a perfect science. However, I hope these four topics expand your horizons on what it means to find good tenants. If anything, I’m sure you respect the complexity. As always, keep us in mind if you have questions with your tenant rental process.

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Maximize Your Retirement Income: Unlock the Potential of Renting Out Your Home

Are you a retiree looking for ways to boost your retirement income without sacrificing the sentimental value of your cherished home? The good news is that you don’t have to sell your property to achieve your financial goals. By renting out your home, you can enjoy a steady stream of passive income while preserving the place that holds a lifetime of memories. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of renting out your home during retirement and how our professional property management services can make the process hassle-free. Read on to discover how you can maximize your retirement income and secure your financial future.

Supplement Your Retirement Income:

Renting out your home allows you to generate a reliable source of additional income. With the rental income, you can enhance your financial security and enjoy a more comfortable retirement lifestyle. Whether you use the funds to cover daily expenses, invest for the future, or indulge in travel and leisure activities, the extra income provides flexibility and peace of mind.

Preserve Your Beloved Home:

Your home is more than just a piece of property; it holds cherished memories and sentimental value. Renting out your home allows you to preserve its significance while deriving financial benefits. You can keep your property as an asset and pass it down to future generations, ensuring your legacy lives on.

Enjoy a Stress-Free Landlord Experience:

Being a landlord can seem daunting, especially if you’re new to the role. That’s where our professional property management services come in. We handle the day-to-day responsibilities of being a landlord, such as tenant screening, lease agreements, rent collection, and property maintenance. You can sit back and relax while we take care of the details, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

Benefit from Our Expertise:

With years of experience in property management, we understand the unique needs and concerns of retirees like you. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process, providing personalized support and advice. We’ll help you set the right rental price, find reliable tenants, and ensure your property is well-maintained. You can rely on our expertise to maximize your rental income and minimize the stress associated with being a landlord.

Book a Call with Us Today:

Ready to explore the possibilities of renting out your home and maximizing your retirement income? We invite you to book a call with us for more information. Our dedicated team will answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide a tailored plan that suits your unique needs. Let us handle the complexities of property management while you enjoy the benefits of rental income and a worry-free retirement.

Renting out your home during retirement can be a game-changer, providing a reliable income stream while preserving your beloved property. Our professional property management services are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a stress-free landlord experience. Call us today and unlock the potential of renting out your home. Take control of your financial future and enjoy a comfortable retirement filled with financial security and peace of mind.


Preserve Your Home’s Sentimental Value While Securing Your Retirement: The Benefits of Renting

As retirement approaches, many homeowners face the dilemma of downsizing while preserving the sentimental value of their beloved home. If you find yourself in this situation, consider a unique solution: renting out your home. By transforming your cherished space into a source of income, you can maintain its sentimental value while securing your retirement. In this article, we explore the benefits of renting your home and how it can provide financial stability and peace of mind.

Retain the Sentimental Value:

Renting out your home allows you to retain the emotional connection and memories associated with your space. Rather than parting with the cherished abode that has witnessed milestones and heartwarming moments, renting provides a way to continue the legacy while embracing a new chapter in life.

Supplement Your Retirement Income:

One of the primary benefits of renting your home is the additional income it generates. By becoming a landlord, you can enjoy a steady stream of rental income that supplements your retirement funds. This additional financial resource can enhance your lifestyle, help fund travel or hobbies, and provide a sense of security in uncertain times.

Hassle-Free Property Management:

You may be concerned about the responsibilities that come with being a landlord. However, by partnering with professional property management services, you can enjoy a hassle-free experience. Experts will handle tenant screening, property maintenance, rent collection, and other time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on enjoying your retirement.

Flexibility and Control:

Renting your home provides flexibility and control over your living situation. Whether you decide to downsize and rent a smaller place or explore new locations, renting offers the freedom to adapt to your evolving needs. You can choose the terms of the lease, decide when to make your property available for rent, and even have the option to move back in if circumstances change.

Securing Your Retirement:

Renting out your home adds a layer of financial security to your retirement plan. It diversifies your income sources and reduces reliance solely on savings or investments. The rental income can act as a reliable safety net, ensuring a stable financial future and providing peace of mind.

Renting out your home during retirement is a viable option that allows you to preserve the sentimental value of your beloved space while securing your financial well-being. By embracing this new chapter, you can create a sustainable income stream, enjoy the flexibility to explore new opportunities and maintain a connection to your cherished memories. Take the leap, and unlock the benefits of renting your home for a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Ready to explore the possibilities of renting out your home and securing your retirement? Contact us today to learn how our professional property management services can help you maximize your rental income and simplify the process of becoming a landlord. Book a call with our experts and take the first step towards a worry-free retirement.


The Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Home Maintenance: How Our 24-Hour Call Center Simplifies Your Life

Keeping up with home maintenance can be a daunting task, requiring time, effort, and coordination with various contractors. As homeowners, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the never-ending list of repairs and the challenges of finding reliable professionals. But what if there was a solution that could simplify the entire process and provide peace of mind? Enter our 24-hour call center for home maintenance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how our call center streamlines the home maintenance experience, saving you time, effort, and stress.

The Convenience of a Single Point of Contact:

One of the major benefits of our 24-hour call center is having a single point of contact for all your home repair needs. No more endless searches for individual contractors or the frustration of dealing with multiple phone calls and appointments. With our call center, a simple phone call or online request is all it takes to initiate the repair process. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will handle everything from dispatching the right vendor to scheduling the appointment, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life.

Prompt and Efficient Vendor Dispatch:

Time is of the essence when it comes to home repairs, and our call center understands the urgency. We have established relationships with a network of skilled and reliable handyman vendors. Once your repair request is received, our call center swiftly dispatches the most suitable professional for the job. This eliminates the time-consuming process of researching and vetting individual contractors, ensuring that your repair needs are addressed promptly and efficiently.

24/7 Availability for Emergency Repairs:

Home emergencies can happen at any time, leaving you stressed and unsure of what to do. With our 24-hour call center, help is just a phone call away, even in the middle of the night or during holidays. Whether it’s a burst pipe, electrical issue, or any other urgent repair, our dedicated team is ready to assist you around the clock. You can have peace of mind knowing that a reliable solution is available whenever you need it the most.

Quality Workmanship and Customer Satisfaction:

We understand that your home is your sanctuary, and you deserve the best quality workmanship. That’s why our call center partners with reputable and skilled vendors who have a track record of delivering exceptional service. Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that every repair is carried out with the utmost care and attention to detail. We strive to exceed your expectations and ensure that you are completely satisfied with the results.

Streamlined Communication and Progress Updates:

Transparency and effective communication are vital in the home repair process. Our call center provides streamlined communication channels, keeping you informed every step of the way. From appointment confirmations to progress updates, you’ll never be left in the dark. Our dedicated team is always available to address any concerns or questions you may have, ensuring a seamless and transparent experience from start to finish.

Say goodbye to the stress and hassle of managing home repairs on your own. Our 24-hour call center for home maintenance offers a convenient, efficient, and stress-free solution. With a single point of contact, prompt vendor dispatch, 24/7 availability, and a commitment to quality workmanship, we simplify the entire home maintenance process. Take control of your time, enjoy peace of mind, and experience the benefits of a well-maintained home. Contact our call center today and unlock a stress-free home maintenance journey like never before.